REVIEW | Pullman Cologne

2022 was the first year since COVID-19 that the typical Christmas markets in Germany where back in full swing and without restrictions. As my boyfriend absolutely loves Christmas and everything around it we decided to go for a weekend to the famous Christmas markets of Cologne.  Seemingly everyone had the same idea as hotel prices…

Sang Young Park, an insight on queer life in South Korea

The bi-annual literary festival Passa Porta in Brussels invited Sang Young Park to talk about his previous book ‘Love in the Big City‘ and his new book ‘Make Me One Dimensional‘. Being gay, he is one of the, if not the, first authors in South Korea to write novels with homosexuality as a theme. As…

FRANCE | Sedan and Sedan Castle

The 21st of July is Belgium‘s National Day. This date was chosen as on July the 21st, 1831, Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha took the Constitutional Oat to become King of the Belgians. Being a public holiday with many shops and catering options closed, Oriol and I decided to go to Sedan just across…

ANTWERP | Procedure for cyclists and pedestrian Scheldt Bridge to be elaborated

Following the example of the Flemish Government, the City of Antwerp council decided to further develop the procedure for the Scheldt Bridge. This is the preferred variant for an additional pedestrian and cyclist crossing of the Scheldt in the context of De Grote Verbinding (The Great Connection). If everything goes smoothly, the concrete specifications can…