Marklineum Goppingen

It’s summer 2022 and for the first time in 12 years I finally had some time off of work during summer, luckily my boyfriend also had time off so we made a road trip to Germany. Originally we planned to stop at Karlsruhe to visit our friend Simon living there, unfortunately he was struck by…

13 US states still officially punish gay sex

67 countries criminalise gay sex. In the United States of America, thirteen states have sodomy laws or rather anti-sodomy laws on the books. The General Assembly of Maryland just repealed its sodomy law. 

A visit to the Museum of Liverpool

Inspired by the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest, we travelled by train to England in March. Combining ESC host city Liverpool with the industrial heritage of Manchester. Manchester to Liverpool was also the first steam railway line ever. A perfect pretext to travel to The North.

REVIEW | Hotel Fahrhaus Koblenz

It’s Summer 2022 and for the first time in 12 years I finally had some time off of work during summer, luckily my boyfriend also had time off so we made a roadtrip to Germany. Originally we planned to stop at Karlsruhe to visit our friend Simon living there, unfortunately he was struck by corona….

UPDATE | 66 countries where gay sex is illegal

On Friday, 14 April 2023, the Cook Islands in the Pacific Ocean decriminalised homosexuality by repealing the law “indecent acts between males”. Time for an update of the list. Both ILGA World and Erasing 76 Crimes count the countries and US states which have laws against gay sex. Spoiler alert: the number of countries criminalising…

NS’ ICNG train set makes passenger debut as Benelux deployment delayed

On Wednesday 19 April 2023, Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS) introduced its ICNG, nicknamed ‘Wasp‘, into commercial passenger service in the Netherlands. The rolling stock will further be deployment over the next months. Introduction on the Brussels – Amsterdam Benelux service is delayed.