Malmö – Cologne – Brussels Night train

As reported by Swedish news website The Local the Swedish government would like to start more night trains connecting the country with the rest of Europe as an enviromentally friendly alternative to flying.

My first big rail trip part 3: the Flåm line

Back in a pre-corona 2012 I got inspired by my friend Erik to make an epic rail trip through a part of Europe. I persuaded my best friend to tag along and together we decided to head north, to Scandinavia, to a part of Europe we both hadn’t visited yet and where fascinated about.

Sydney Royal Botanic Gardens

Early 2020 AD. Danny and I embark on a 21st century Odyssey. On the Majestic Princess from Sydney to New Caledonia, Vanuatu and Fiji. Back to Sydney, then to Melbourne and flying back home.