Antwerp-South Railway Station and surroundings get makeover

The area around Antwerp-South Railway Station will be safer for pedestrians and cyclists, the City of Antwerp says in a press release. From the spring of 2024, the City of Antwerp will renew the pedestrian and cycle path along the Kolonel Silvertopstraat – Montignystraat axis up to Kielsevest, on the side of the station. 

Belgium European champion for rail tourism

Previously, we shared the Eurostat statistics regarding intra-European Union travel in 2021. One notable statistic is the means of transport. Belgium is – or at least was in 2021 – champion at rail tourism.


August 2021. Not only are there still coronavirus countermeasures, but I’m also on the lookout for activities which don’t involve eating and drinking. I really want to keep my weight in check. So after Troll Forest at De Schorre in Boom with Oriol, Thanh and I took the S32 train to Roosendaal, just across the…