ANTWERP | 2023 Smaakmeesters culinary festival on Saturday 30 September and Sunday 1 October

The ninth edition of Smaakmeesters or Taste Masters will take place in Antwerp on Saturday 30 September and Sunday 1 October. During this culinary festival, gourmets can taste the craftsmanship at around a hundred catering and specialty shops. 

Visitors can taste the signature dish at participating establishments for just 5 euros and without a reservation, take a culinary walk, or visit the free tasting in Het Steen.

During the culinary festival Smaakmeesters, gourmets can visit almost 100 catering and specialty shops in the Historic Center, on Het Zuid and Het Eilandje

There they can taste a signature dish for just 5 euros, without having to book in advance. The range is large and diverse: from fine dining to ice cream parlors, from cocktail bars to coffee bars, from bakeries to bistros. The Smaakmeesters are recognizable in the street scene by a large white-red balloon.

Councilor for Small Businesses and Tourism Koen Kennis (N-VA): “Smaakmeesters combines the best of what Antwerp has to offer by linking the unique experience of a city visit to an introduction to our culinary scene.”

Culinary walks

Visitors can follow one of the five culinary walks on their own and taste the signature dish at participating establishments for 5 euros:

  • Fast food route (high-level comfort food).
  • Antwerp squares route (local & traditional).
  • Romantic route (sweet & food sharing).
  • Docks route (fish & sea).
  • Exotic route (world cuisine).

During the walk, visitors can of course choose whether or not they enter the participating businesses.

Free tasting in Het Steen

In the cruise terminal of Het Steen, visitors can taste the tastiest Antwerp regional products for free on Saturday 30 September and Sunday 1 October between 12 noon and 6 PM: from Seef beer and marzipan Louis d’Anvers to Perrette chocolate and Elixir d’Anvers. They will also receive a 20% discount on all these regional products that weekend in the Antwerp City Shop.

All information at

Shopping Sunday and other activities

Once again this year, Smaakmeesters coincides with the monthly Shopping Sunday, the Customer Weekend and Antwerp Fashion Weekend

In addition, young and old can also visit the Red Star Line for a party weekend in honor of the 10th anniversary of the museum. The city expects a pleasant bustle during this first weekend of October.


The city recommends everyone to come to the center by bicycle, shared mobility, public transport or via a park-and-ride. Visitors can plan their route in advance at

Please note: Since 1 August only residents and permit holders can park on the street in the historic center of Antwerp. All information on

5 Comments Add yours

  1. elvira797mx says:

    Sounds great, love waffles.
    Thank’s Timothy.
    Happy day!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Timothy says:

      Waffles 🧇 are great! Have a lovely weekend.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. elvira797mx says:

        Agree with you 🧇👍
        Lovely weekend for you too.

        Liked by 1 person

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