Antwerp Pride 2024 theme: ‘Many Voices. One Pride’

Antwerp Pride has revealed its theme, tagline, title for 2024: ‘Many Voices. One Pride‘. The organising committee calls upon everyone who cares for our rainbow community to draw a line in the sand and exclaim: “We are never going back in the closet!”

The slogan ‘Many Voices. One Pride’ is purposely modular. Each variation is a call for connection, solidarity and joy within and outside the LGBTQIA+ community, highlighting the power of our collective voice. 

“Our theme will therefore continue to evolve with us over the coming months”, Antwerp Pride says. “Many Voices. One Protest. Many Voices. One Community. Many Voices. One Celebration. Many Voices. One Parade. Many Voices. One Pride.”

“It will be a celebration of our unique as well as coherent nature, an ode to the richness our vast rainbow community has to offer”, according to Antwerp Pride. 

International challenges

“Moreover we notice a lot of concern in regards to the upcoming elections locally, nationally and internationally”, Antwerp Pride says.

“Tomorrow our world could look completely different because of it. In many countries, conservative or far-right parties are already in positions of power with dire consequences as a result. Not only in faraway countries, but also close to home and even under the European flag.”

“Do we want same-sex parents in our country to lose rights over their children like in Italy? Do we want waiting lists for transgender care to reach five years like in the United Kingdom? Do we want teachers to be scared to talk about LGBTQIA+ topics in class or books on these topics to be banned like in Hungary? Do we want drag queens to feel unsafe going home after a performance?” 

“Our answer is no and we draw a clear line: the closet is locked. We can’t go back!”

“Within our community and its ally’s are a multitude of voices who all strive for different goals within our common struggle”, Antwerp Pride chairman Geert Van Praet says. 

“Antwerp Pride’s purpose is to yearly bring those voices together into a festive, positive but meaningful harmony, therefore the slogan ‘Many Voices. One Pride’. Because only through real connection can we create a world where everyone can be themselves and no-one is left behind.”

Previous themes

Previous Antwerp Pride themes include ‘Braveolution‘ in 2023, ‘Queertopia‘ in 2022, ‘Not Just Words‘ in 2021, ‘Together We Pride‘ in 2020, ‘Riot‘ in 2019 for fifty years of Stonewall Riots and ‘Identity‘ in 2018.


Antwerp Pride has the second weekend of August locked in.

  • Wednesday 7 August: Pride Opening Night.
  • TBD: Beyond Antwerp Pride.
  • Saturday 10 August: Pride Parade.
  • Saturday 10 August: Pride In Town.
  • Saturday 10 August: Love United Festival.
  • Sunday 11 August: Closing Festival

Antwerp Pride 2024 & Antwerp Queer Arts Festival 2024

Darklands 2024-2025

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