21 MAY | Belgian Pride 2022 in Brussels is ‘Open’

For 2022, The Belgian Pride in Brussels will be ‘Open‘. The Belgian Pride (the organisation), is finally communicating about the Belgian Pride (the event).

“This year’s theme is ‘Open'”, the organising committee says. “It sounds like a call for more inclusiveness, respect and equality for LGBTI+ people. Let’s open up to the others, to their respect, their consent but also to culture and celebration.”


“The Belgian Pride is evolving. It has a duty to set an example and to apply optimal reception measures for all audiences. With our partner associations and with you, we will do our best to make this Pride a safe moment for everyone.” 

The project includes an awareness and communication campaign, training for volunteers and organizers, a Safe Zone and a Health Village.

  • Feel Safe: respect and consent. Inclusiveness, verbal and sexual violence, consent, Party Safe(ly).
  • Take care of your body. Risk reduction related to alcohol and drugs, sexual activity, hearing, …

Claiming our rights

The Belgian Pride will be in the streets of Brussels alongside LGBTI+ activists and association.


“This is our priority. In 2022, the visibility of these thousands of people will be amplified. Our Parade is reinventing itself and will take into account climate issues by returning to its initial form.

“Indeed, the 2022 Pride will be on foot. We are thus getting closer to the first prides and to the protest aspect of the event.

The Belgian Pride is the focal point of the regional LGBTI+ umbrella organisations in Belgium. These are Fédération Prisme, formerly Arc-en-Ciel Wallonie, çavaria in Flanders and RainbowHouse Brussels.

Belgian Pride 2022

Queer Belgium