ANTWERP | Design for Ringpark Het Schijn to cover the Ring takes shape

Ringpark Het Schijn, set to cover up the Ring, Antwerp‘s ring road, continues to take shape. The preliminary design for the two additional roofs in the park has been approved and the City of Antwerp is also drawing up a new spatial implementation plan (ruimtelijk uitvoeringsplan, RUP) for the Ring Park. The Council of the Mayor and the Aldermen approved the starting and process memorandum for that RUP, and the ambition is to have a final design by the end of 2025.

Ringpark Het Schijn is the park that starts on the south side of Schijnpoort and continues south to the Rivierenhof park. The Schijn River and the Schijn Valley play the leading role in the park. The watercourse is again completely above ground and branched, with two islands and sloping banks. The existing entrances to the park will become neighborhood squares.

In March 2023, the Antwerp city council, in consultation with Flanders, decided to provide five additional roofs on the Ring. Two of those five will be located in Ringpark Het Schijn: Kap Schijnvallei and the extension of Kap Hof Ter Lo. The preliminary design has now been approved.

Alderman for Mobility Koen Kennis (N-VA): “It is the residents of a number of neighborhoods in the north of the city who will be the first to reap the benefits of what we are creating here. They will receive extra greenery, new cycling and walking connections, and will experience less noise pollution from experience the Ring. That is why we opt for maximum canopy where possible.”

Kap Schijnvallei

The additional Schijn Valley hood is located behind the Ten Eekhovelei, between the Schijnpoort Connection Complex and Kap Schijnpoort. The roof has a length of approximately 590 meters and runs over the Antwerp Ring in the northern direction of travel.

The substructure is designed by Lantis and consists of a closed box construction for the driveway from the Schijnpoort Connection Complex, which connects to a semi-open canopy construction over the highway.

The superstructure will be designed as a landscaped park space that is part of the Schijn Valley. The additional space of the roof has room for a sunbathing lawn and nature, and sports and games infrastructure, especially for urban sports. The Ring Cycle Path moves along towards the Ring and connects from the roof to a grade-separated intersection over the Schijnpoortweg. In addition, the integration of this roof makes it possible to create a connection between the Ringpark and Borgerhout intra muros.

In the long term, the entire Schijnvallei behind the Ten Eekhovelei will become a green space for a peaceful stroll along the water, in which the current allotment gardens will also have a place.

Kap Hof Ter Lo

Kap Hof Ter Lo, a canopy over both directions of the Ring, will be extended in a northerly and southerly direction. To the north by approximately 20 meters in both directions. To the south by approximately 75 meters in the southern direction of travel, and by approximately 55 meters in the northern direction of travel.

The substructure is designed by Lantis and consists of a closed box structure over the highway.

The superstructure will be designed as a landscaped park space with a viewpoint. The additional space of the roof has room for a sunbathing lawn with an artificial hill, allotments and a multi-sports field. This roof forms the most important connection between Borgerhout intra muros and Deurne North

From the roof, a grade-separated connection will be made with Spoor Oost over the Noordersingel. From the south of the roof a potential connection to the Turnhoutsebaan is created via the highway shoulder.

Drafting of a new spatial implementation plan has started

To realize the future vision for Ringpark Het Schijn and the urban development projects surrounding it, zoning changes are necessary. This is evident from an analysis drawn up by the city of Antwerp together with the Environment Department, the Roads and Traffic Agency (Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer, AWV), Lantis and the intendant team.

The city council approved the RUP Ringpark Het Schijn start and process memorandum. This will create a legal instrument to realize the urban ambitions in this area.

The plan area is located in the Borgerhout and Deurne districts. Part of the northern Ring Zone (R1) is centrally located. This Ring Zone divides the plan area into an eastern and western area. 

The eastern area is bordered by the Ten Eekhovelei and the Lakborslei. The western area is bordered by the Noordersingel. The Turnhoutsebaan and the Schijnpoortweg–Bisschoppenhoflaan form the southern and northern boundaries of the plan area, respectively.

Ringstad provides attractive edges

The Ringpark is located between the current Ring Road and a densely populated residential area. In order for the park to become an essential part of the city, the surrounding urban fabric must also be adapted. In this way, the park is connected to the surrounding neighborhood. This connection will take the form of new city districts that, together with the Ring Parks, will create a real Ring City, along the edges of the Ring’s canopy. The new developments create opportunities for better access, social control and liveliness.

Alderman for Urban Development and Spatial Planning Annick De Ridder (N-VA): “By working on maximum coverage of the Ring, we can work on new lively city districts at the seven new Ring Parks. With the creation of this Ring City we are perhaps providing the most intriguing twist in the rich history of Antwerp’s urban development. GRUP Ringpark Het Schijn in Deurne is a good example of this, including connections between Ten Eekhovelei and Spoor Oost, new access squares, and buildings aimed at the new park.”

Further steps

The RUP will be available for inspection on 22 April 2024 and will run until 20 June 2024. An information session will take place on 6 May. The neighborhood will receive an invitation for this. The ambition is to have a final design for the spatial implementation plan by the end of 2025.

All information about Ringpark Het Schijn can be found at, click here for the direct link.

On the look of Antwerp

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