Antwerp Pride 2021 ‘Trail of Stories’ route and featured people

Antwerp Pride has revealed the route and the featured portraits of this year’s ‘Trail of Stories‘. The trail will be visible in Antwerp from 1 tot 31 August. The trail is an alternative to the pride parade, which just not a good idea during the pandemic.

The featured people are:

Noortje Palmers took the portrait photos. A large photo by Birde Vanheerswynghels will be hung at M HKA.


The route is much longer than last year. Antwerp Pride expects the walking time to be some two hours.

The stops are:

  1. Sint-Jansplein.
  2. De Coninckplein.
  3. Antwerp-Central Railway Station main hall.
  4. Pride Village at Operaplein.
  5. Stadspark.
  6. De Studio.
  7. M HKA.
  8. Sint-Andrieskerk.
  9. Meir.
  10. Conscienceplein with two portraits.
  11. Museum Aan de Stroom (MAS) with two portraits.

Thirteen portraits and stories in total. Each stop will include a QR code linking to a video. 

‘Trail of Stories’ 2021 route. Image by Antwerp Pride.