ANTWERP | 2024 Loodswezensite redesign approved

The Council of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Antwerp has approved the final design for the redevelopment of the Loodswezensite or Pilotage Site. If everything goes smoothly, work on the public domain there will start in the autumn of 2024.

The Loodswezensite is one of the seven sub-areas that are part of the Scheldt Quays Masterplan. The project area borders the Scheldt in the west and the Tavernierkaai and Van Meterenkaai in the east. In the north and south it connects to the other sub-areas of the Scheldt Quays.

In the design by Bureau Bas Smets, the quay is greened as a park with various gardens and the former canals (Brouwersvliet, Sint-Pietersvliet and Koolvliet) are visually redeveloped as connections between city and stream. 

A monument commemorating the deceased Antwerp victims of World War II will be integrated on either side of it.

Alderman for Urban Development and chairperson of AG Vespa Annick De Ridder (N-VA): “With a wonderful heritage that refers to the rich history of the port of Antwerp and as a hinge point between the Scheldt, the city center and the Eilandje, the Loodswezen site is a beautiful location. The final design makes it clear that maximum greening, reference to the historic canals and integration of a memorial monument gives this ambitious redevelopment of the Scheldt quays an attractive new dimension”.

Green design with gardens and a view of the Scheldt

The site between the Noorderterras and the Bonapartesluis is characterized by the unique location along the Scheldt on the one hand and the historic canals that cut through this site on the other. These former inner-city ports are still visible in the current street pattern. The six linear walls that will be built at the locations of the former rivers are the perfect place for the name monument.

In the design of the entire public domain, the vliet gardens on the city side form the ‘entrances’ to the project area, each with its own identity. The various sub-areas are visible along those vliet gardens:

The zone with pocket parks around the Loodswezengebouw and the Broeiloods distinguishes itself from the rest of the quays due to its remarkable heritage value and the strong relationship with the water. A retaining wall with sitting steps protects the Pilotage Monument against the rising water level. On the city side there will be a sloping, walled city garden that connects to the city. The Broeiloods will form part of the flood defense in a subtle way, and with respect for the heritage.

The zone with the so-called ‘Scheldt steps’, a staircase, can be used as a sitting and resting place, but on occasion also for smaller, serene events or ceremonies. The place is characterized by large areas of greenery.

The sunbathing area with a view of the Scheldt is unique and inviting. The design can also be clearly read from the Scheldt, with a lower area with an extensive lawn and a higher landscape with tall greenery. A circular seating element that refers to the former Stone Crane is incorporated into the slope of the meadow. On the city side, the slope is planted as a buffer to the Kaaiweg behind it.

In the southernmost part there will be a bus drop-off zone for up to 10 buses for tourists from the cruise ships. This zone is separated by a serene vliet garden with a wide green buffer.

In anticipation of this thorough transformation of the public domain, a provisional recreational grass zone on the water was created last year.

Integration of flood defenses

Increasing the flood defenses in the context of the Sigma Plan is one of the reasons for the redevelopment of the Loodswezensite. The design is therefore related to the landscape integration of the elevation up to 2.25 meters above the quay. The reconstruction of the old flood walls will form the main structure of the flood defense. In addition to fixed structures, there will also be a mobile flood defense that will preserve important visual axes between the city and the water.

The wet side, the floodable part, the quay along the Scheldt, forms an uninterrupted walk from north to south along the blue stone. It is characterized by a robust character. A continuous strip of 10 meters wide remains free for emergency services and the operation of ships.

Chris Danckaerts, managing director of De Vlaamse Waterweg nv: “In recent years we have carried out major works on the quay walls to stabilize the substructure. In the next phase, we will increase the flood defense to Sigma height – from 8.35 meters to 9.25 meters. In this way, Antwerp will be even better protected in the future against flooding caused by storm spring tides in the Scheldt. In addition, the city maintains its connection with the stream through the careful installation of the mobile flood defense on the old canals.”

Various plants

The design has a pronounced and clear climate ambition. For example, cooling areas are designed and a lot of attention is paid to the choices of plants. 

The types of planting are tailored to the characteristics of the location (local growing conditions, available root space, location, sunlight and humidity), so that the planting varies depending on the zone. It will be different in the wetter vlieten gardens than in the pocket parks or the raised sunbathing area. 

The design also pays attention to intelligent water management, with, for example, wadis with water-loving plants in the vlieten gardens.

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The entire park landscape contributes to the peace and serenity that the name monument requires, as a kind of quiet place. Yet the urban space is designed in such a way that it also creates space for relaxation, with a high-quality, green public domain close to the city center.


If everything goes smoothly, the reconstruction of the new flood defense and the public domain will start in the autumn of 2024. The neighborhood will receive an invitation for an information session in October.

On the look of Antwerp

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